Poly_reg: Polynomial Gaussian Process Regression
Matthias O. Franz and Peter V. Gehler
The poly_reg package
Poly_reg is a Matlab
package for doing Gaussian process regression [1] using a polynomial covariance
function. It can be used to find a Volterra or Wiener
series expansion of an unknown system where only pairs of vector-valued inputs and
scalar outputs are given [2]. The package provides the following
- Automatic model selection according to one of
three possible criteria: a. the log-likelihood of the observed data [1];
b. Geisser’s surrogate predictive probability
[3]; c. the analytically computed leave-one-out error on the training set
- Computation of the predictive distribution (i.e.,
predictive mean and variance) of the output for a new, previously unseen
- Computation of the explicit nth-order Volterra operator from the implicitly given polynomial
expansion (see [2])
The available polynomial covariance
functions of order p are
- the inhomogeneous polynomial kernel:
k(x, y) = (x’*y + 1)^p
- the adaptive polynomial kernel: k(x,y) = sum_i^p (w_i x’y)^I where each
degree of nonlinearity receives an individual weight w_i
that is found during model selection.
The package consists of the
following routines:
- alltupels.m:
computes all k-tupels of the numbers 1..n, repetitions inside the tupel
are allowed. Needed for computing explicit Volterra
operators in gpP_volt.
- gpP_amsd.m:
automatic model selection for polynomial regression
- gpP_build.m:
prepare a Gaussian Process structure (initialization)
- gpP_cov.m:
compute covariance and Gram matrix for a polynomial covariance function
and independent Gaussian noise model.
- gpP_eval.m:
evaluate Gaussian process regression with polynomial covariance function
and independent Gaussian noise model. This function is used to fit the hyperparameters.
- gpP_eval_wrapper:
wrapper function needed for interfacing to Carl’s minimize function.
- gpP_gram.m:
compute either Gram matrix for ihp, or the
partial Gram matrices for each degree of nonlinearity for the adaptive
polynomial kernel.
- gpP_pred.m:
Gaussian process prediction with polynomial covariance function and
independent Gaussian noise model.
- gpP_volt.m:
computes the nth-degree explicit Volterra operator
from an implicit Volterra series.
- invertCovariance.m:
Inversion of the Covariance matrix. This function is the only place where
the covariance matrix is inverted.
- norm_data.m:
normalizes data such that every component remains in the interval [0,1]. Should be always used before polynomial regression
since polynomials are very sensitive to the scaling of the data.
- preg.m:
Full Polynomial kernel regression with automatic model selection. Prints
out MSE on training and test set.
- scalarProduct.m:
computes scalar product depending on the selected kernel.
For installing the package, please
download all files in this directory. In addition, you need the function minimize.m from Carl Rasmussen for doing model
selection (see documentation)
in the same directory. A simple 1D toy example showing the basic regression
functionality is given in the programming example sinc_test.m (together with the plotting routine plot_predict.m).
Automatic model selection
function gpP_amsd.m selects the optimal hyperparameters of the Gaussian process using either the
minimum of minus the log likelihood (LLH) [1], Geissers
surrogate predictive probability (GPP) [3] or the mean squared leave-one-out
(LOO) error [4].
Usage: gp = gpP_amsd(nit, hp0, input, target, ptype,
method, degrees)
- nit is the number of iterations
- hp0 is
a vector of starting values for the hyperparameters
- input is
a n by D matrix of training inputs
- target is a (column) vector (of size n) of targets
- ptype is
a string containing the polynomial type
- 'ihp': inhomogeneous polynomial kernel
- 'ap': adaptive polynomial kernel
- method is a string containing
the model selection method
- 'llh': log likelihood
- 'gpp': Geissers
surrogate predictive probability
- 'loo': Leave-one-out MSE
- degrees are the polynominal
degrees to do model selection over. e.g. 1:4,
7:10, 3, ...
is the returned gaussian process struct,
containing the following values
- gp.minval is the minimum value of the chosen evaluation
- gp.degree is the optimal polynomial degree
- gp.hp is
the optimal set hyperparameters
- gp.invK inverse covariance matrix
- gp.invKt gp.invK * target
- gp.Q Gram matrix
- gp.invQ inverse Gram matrix
The hyperparameter vs is proportional
to the "signal std dev" and vn is the
"noise std dev". All hyperparameters are
collected in the vector P as follows: (1) all polynomial kernels contain vs and vn as the first 2
parameters: P = [ log(vs);
log(vn); (2) the adaptive polynomial kernel contains
additionally the weights w_i for each degree of
nonlinearity: P = .. w_1; w_2; ..;
w_{degree+1} ]
(1) the reason why the log of the parameters are used in vs, vn is that this often leads
to a better conditioned (and unconstrained) optimization problem than using the raw
hyperparameters themselves.
(2) when loo is chosen as evaluation
criterion, the derivative w.r.t. vs
is always set to 0 (although it is not 0 in reality) such that vs remains constant during minimization. This ensures
better convergence since the loo criterion is
invariant under scaling of P. The resulting vs and vn values reflect only the proper signal-to-noise ratio,
not the correct absolute values. This means that predicted variances in gpP_pred can only be determined up to a scale factor!
Computation of the predictive distribution
Computation of the
predictive distribution (i.e., predictive mean and variance) of the output for
a new, previously unseen input is done by the gpP_pred.m
Usage: [m var] = gpP_pred(gp, input, target, test)
- gp is a Gaussian Process struct with precomputed variables
- test
is a nn by D matrix of test inputs, D as for 'input'
- pr_mean is a (column) vector (of size nn)
of prediced means
- pr_var is a (column) vector (of size nn)
of predicted variances
Note that predicted variances
should be only computed when hyperparameters were chosen
by either 'llh' or 'gpp'. Optimizing
"loo" determines variances only up to a scale
factor! The gaussian process struct
'gp' must contain the precomputed
inverse variance 'gp.invK'. This is computed with 'gpP_eval'. If gpP_ams(d) is used for model selection all the necessary values are
filled in. (Note that invKt must be computed with
centered target data, but target must be given uncentered
to get consistent predictions. On output, mean and (noise free) variance are returned.)
If no model selection was done before, the ‘gp’
struct can be filled by the function gpP_build.m.
Usage: gp
= buildGP(type,
degree, hp, method, target)
- type
is a string containing the polynomial type
- 'ihp':
inhomogeneous polynomial kernel
- 'ap':
adaptive polynomial kernel
- degree
is the polynomial degree of the GP
- hp
is a (column)
vector of hyperparameters
- method is a
string containing the model selection method
- llh': log
- gpp':
Geissers surrogate predictive probability
- loo':
Leave-one-out MSE
- target
is a (column) vector (of size n) of targets
- gp
is the
returned gaussian process struct, it simply
contains the parameters provided to the function
Computation of the explicit nth-order Volterra operator
computation of the explicit nth-order Volterra
operator from the implicitly given polynomial expansion is done by the function
Usage: eta = gpP_volt(gp, volt_deg)
- gp
is a Gaussian Process struct with
precomputed variables
- volt_deg is the degree of the Volterra operator
of interest
- eta are the coefficients of the monomials
in the nth-order Volterra operator. The order of the coefficients
follows the order of the monomials computed by alltupels.m,
e.g., for 2D input and the 2nd-order operator, we have
indices | monomials | coefficient | result |
1,1 | x1^2 | h_11 | eta(1) |
2,1 | x2*x1 | h_21 | eta(2) |
1,2 | x1*x2 | h_12 | eta(3) |
2,2 | x2^2 | h_22 | eta(4) |
In general, starting with 1, the nth index is only changed when the (n-1)th index has undergone all possible
in gpP_pred, the Gaussian process struct
'gp' must contain the precomputed
inverse variance 'gp.invK'. This is computed with 'gpP_eval'. If gpP_amsd is used for
model selection all the necessary values are filled in.
- [1] Rasmussen, C. E., & Williams, C. K. I.
(2006). Gaussian
processes for machine learning. Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press.
- [2] Franz, M. O. and B. Schölkopf (2006) A unifying view of Wiener
and Volterra theory
and polynomial kernel regression. Neural
Computation 18(12), 3097-3118[PDF].
- [3] S. Sundararajan,
S.S. Keerthi (2001). Predictive approaches for
choosing hyperparameters in Gaussian processes. Neural Computation 13, 1103-1118.
- [4] V. Vapnik (1982). Estimation of dependences based on
empirical data. New York: