Publications of Matthias O. Franz

The list below is in reverse chronological order. Many of the publications are available in Acrobat (.pdf) format. These can be viewed/printed using the Acrobat Reader (free, on all platforms, from Adobe).

Journal Articles

Franz, M. O. and B. Schölkopf: A unifying view of Wiener and Volterra theory and polynomial kernel regression. Neural Computation 18(12), 3097-3118 (12) [pdf preprint] [DOI] [A previous version of this paper appeared as Technical Report 114, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, 2003.]

Kim, K. I., M. O. Franz and B. Schölkopf: Iterative Kernel Principal Component Analysis for Image Modeling. IEEE Trans. PAMI 27(9), 1351-1366 (2005) [pdf preprint] [DOI] [A previous version of this paper appeared as Technical Report 109, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, 2003.]

Franz, M. O., J. S. Chahl and H. G. Krapp: Insect-inspired estimation of egomotion. Neural Computation 16(11), 2245-2260 (2004) [pdf preprint] [DOI]

Franz, M.O. and H.A. Mallot: Biomimetic robot navigation. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 30, 133-153 (2000) [A previous version of this paper appeared as Technical Report 65, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, 1998.]

Franz, M.O. and H.G. Krapp: Wide-field, motion- sensitive neurons and matched filters for optic flow fields. Biological Cybernetics 83, 185-197 (2000) [A previous version of this paper appeared as Technical Report 61, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, 1998.]

Franz, M., B. Schölkopf, H. A. Mallot and H. H. Bülthoff: Learning view graphs for robot navigation. Autonomous Robots 5, 111-125 (1998) [A previous version of this paper appeared as Technical Report 33, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, 1996.]

Franz, M., B. Schölkopf and H. H. Bülthoff: Where did I take that snapshot? Scene-based homing by image matching. Biological Cybernetics 79, 191-202 (1998) [A previous version of this paper appeared as Technical Report 46, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, 1998.]

Huber, S.A., M.O. Franz and H.H. Bülthoff: On robots and flies: Modeling the visual orientation behavior of flies. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 29, 227-242 (1998) [A previous version of this paper appeared as Technical Report 56, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, 1998.]

Franz, M.O. and M.H. Zhang: Suppression and creation of chaos in a periodically forced Lorenz system. Physical Review E 52, 3558-3565 (1995)

Conference Papers

Kienzle, W., B. Schölkopf, F. Wichmann and M. O. Franz: How to find interesting locations in video: a spatiotemporal interest point detector learned from human eye movements. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Pattern Recognition (DAGM 2007) (in press) (2007) [pdf]

Kienzle, W., F. A. Wichmann, B. Schölkopf and M. O. Franz: A Nonparametric Approach to Bottom-Up Visual Saliency. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems: NIPS 2006, 1-8 (2006) [pdf]

Kienzle, W., F. A. Wichmann, B. Schölkopf and M. O. Franz: Learning an Interest Operator from Human Eye Movements. 2006 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop, 1-8 (2006) [pdf]

McAuley, J., T. Caetano, A. Smola and M. O. Franz: Learning High-Order MRF Priors of Color Images. Proc. 23rd Intl. Conf. Machine Learning (ICML 2006), 617-624 (2006) [pdf]

Franz, M.O. and B. Schölkopf: Implicit Wiener series for higher-order image analysis. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 17, 465-472. (Eds.) Saul, L.K., Y. Weiss and L. Bottou, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2005) [pdf]

Kienzle, W., G. Bakir, M. Franz and B. Schölkopf: Face Detection - Efficient and Rank Deficient. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 17, 673-680. (Eds.) Weiss, Y. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2005) [pdf]

Bakir, G.H., A. Gretton, M.O. Franz and B. Schölkopf: Multivariate Regression via Stiefel Manifold Constraints. Pattern Recognition, Proceedings of the 26th DAGM Symposium, 262-269. (Eds.) Rasmussen, C. E., H. H. Bülthoff, M. A. Giese and B. Schölkopf, Springer, Berlin, Germany (2004) [pdf]

Franz, M.O. and B. Schölkopf: Implicit estimation of Wiener series. Machine Learning for Signal Processing XIV, Proc. 2004 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop, 735-744. (Eds.) Barros, A., J. Principe, J. Larsen, T. Adali and S. Douglas, IEEE, New York (2004) [pdf]

Franz, M.O., Y. Kwon, C. E. Rasmussen and B. Schölkopf: Semi-supervised kernel regression using whitened function classes. Pattern Recognition, Proceedings of the 26th DAGM Symposium LNCS 3175, 18-26. (Eds.) Rasmussen, C. E., H. H. Bülthoff, M. A. Giese and B. Schölkopf, Springer, Berlin, Germany (2004) [pdf]

Kienzle, W., G. Bakir, M. Franz and B. Schölkopf: Efficient Approximations for Support Vector Machines in Object Detection. Pattern Recognition, Proceedings of the 26th DAGM Symposium, 54-61. (Eds.) Rasmussen, C., H.H. Bülthoff, M. A. Giese, Springer, Berlin, Germany (2004) [pdf]

Kim, K. I., M. Franz and B. Schölkopf: Kernel Hebbian Algorithm for single-frame super-resolution. Statistical Learning in Computer Vision (SLCV 2004), 135-149. (Eds.) Leonardis, A., H. Bischof (2004) [pdf]

Sinz, F., J. Quinonero-Candela, G. H. Bakir, C. E. Rasmussen and M.O. Franz: Learning Depth From Stereo. Pattern Recognition, Proc. 26th DAGM Symposium, 245-252. (Eds.) Rasmussen, C. E., H. H. Bülthoff, M. A. Giese and B. Schölkopf, Springer, Berlin (2004) [pdf]

Ilg, W., G.H. Bakir, M.O. Franz and M. Giese: Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Morphable Models for Representation of complex movements for Imitation Learning. 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (2), 453-458. (Eds.) Nunes, U., A. de Almeida, A. Bejczy, K. Kosuge and J.A.T. Machado, University of Coimbra, Coimbra (21.1. 2003) [pdf]

Franz, M.O. and J.S. Chahl: Linear combinations of optic flow vectors for estimating self-motion - a real-world test of a neural model. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15, 1343-1350. (Eds.) Becker, S., S. Thrun and K. Obermayer, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2003) [pdf]

Franz, M.O. and J.S. Chahl: Insect-Inspired Estimation of Self-Motion. Proc. 2nd Workshop on Biologically Motivated Computer Vision 2002, BMCV 2002 (2525), 171-180. (Eds.) Bülthoff, H. H.; Lee, S.-W.; Poggio, T. A.; Wallraven, C. Springer, Berlin (2002) [pdf]

Franz, M.O., T.R. Neumann, M. Plagge, H.A. Mallot and A. Zell: Can fly tangential neurons be used to estimate self-motion? Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks ICANN 1999 (Eds. D. Willshaw and A. Murray) CP 470, 994-999, IEE, London (1999) [pdf]

Mallot, H.A., S. Gillner, S.D. Steck and M.O. Franz: Recognition-triggered response and the view-graph approach to spatial cognition. Spatial information theory - Cognitive and computational foundations of geographic information science (COSIT 99), (Eds.) C. Freksa and D.M. Mark. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1661. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 367-380 (1999)

Distler, H.K., H.A.H.C. van Veen, S.J. Braun, W. Heinz, M.O. Franz and H.H. Bülthoff: Navigation in real and virtual environments: Judging orientation and distance in a large-scale landscape. In: Virtual Environment 98: Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Stuttgart, Germany, June 16-18, 1998, (Eds.) M. Goebel, U. Lang, J. Landauer, M. Walper. Springer, Wien, 124-133 (1998)

Franz, M.O., B. Schölkopf, H.A. Mallot, H.H. Bülthoff and A. Zell: Navigation mit Schnappschüssen. Mustererkennung 1998. Proceedings of the 20th DAGM-Symposium,(Eds.) P. Levi, R.-J. Ahlers, F. May, M. Schanz. Springer, Berlin, 412-428 (1998) [pdf]

Franz, M.O., B. Schölkopf and H.H. Bülthoff: Homing by parameterized scene matching. Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Artificial Life, (Eds.) P. Husbands, I. Harvey. MIT Press, Cambridge 1997, 236-245 (1997) [pdf]

Franz, M.O., B. Schölkopf, P. Georg, H.A. Mallot and H.H. Bülthoff: Learning view graphs for robot navigation. Proceedings of the 1st Intl. Conf. on Autonomous Agents, 138-147, ACM Press, New York, (Ed.) W.L. Johnson (1997) [pdf]

Mallot, H.A., M.O. Franz, B. Schölkopf and H.H. Bülthoff: The view-graph approach to visual navigation and spatial memory. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN 97, Lausanne, Switzerland (Eds.) W. Gerstner et al. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin 1997, 751 (1997) [pdf]

Book Chapters

Franz, M.O., W. Stürzl, W. Hübner and H.A. Mallot: A robot system for biomimetic navigation - from snapshots to metric embeddings of view graphs. Workshop on Robotics and Cognitive Approaches to Spatial Mapping. (Eds.) A.W. Yeap and M. Jefferies (accepted) (2003) [pdf]

H.-J. Dahmen, M.O. Franz and H.G. Krapp: Extracting egomotion from optic flow: limits of accuracy and neural matched filters. Motion vision: computational, neural and ecological constraints. (Eds.) J.M. Zanker, J. Zeil, 143-168, Springer, Berlin (2001)


Kienzle, W., F. A. Wichmann, B. Schölkopf and M. O. Franz: Learning the influence of spatio-temporal variations in local image structure on visual saliency. Proc. 10th Tübingen Perception Conference (TWK 2007), 63. (Eds.) H.H.Bülthoff, A.Chatziastros, H.A.Mallot, R.Ulrich, Knirsch, Kirchentellinsfurt (2007) [abstract]

Franz, M. O., J. H. Macke, A. Saleem and S. R. Schultz: Implicit Wiener Series for Estimating Nonlinear Receptive Fields. Proceedings of the 31st Göttingen Neurobiology Conference 31, 1199 (03 2007)

Kienzle, W., F. A. Wichmann, B. Schölkopf and M. O. Franz: Center-surround filters emerge from optimizing predictivity in a free-viewing task. Cosyne Meeting 2007 (02 2007)

Kienzle, W., J. H. Macke, F. A. Wichmann, B. Schölkopf and M. O. Franz: Nonlinear receptive field analysis: making kernel methods interpretable. Proceedings of the Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting 2007 (COSYNE) 4, 1 (02 2007)

Kienzle, W., F. A. Wichmann, B. Schölkopf and M. O. Franz: Learning Eye Movements. Sensory Coding And The Natural Environment 2006, 1 (08 2006)

Franz, M. O. and B. Schölkopf: Implicit Volterra and Wiener series for higher-order image analysis. Advances in data analysis: Advances in Data Analysis : Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of The Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V. 30, 1 (03 2006)

Kienzle, W., M. O. Franz, F. A. Wichmann and B. Schölkopf: Learning an Interest Operator from Eye Movements. Bioinspired Information Processing 2005, 1 (08 2005)

Kienzle, W. and M. Franz: Efficient Approximations for Support Vector Classifiers. Proceedings of the 7th Tuebingen Perception Conference (TWK 2004) 1, 68. (Eds.) Bülthoff, H., Mallot, R. Ulrich, Knirsch, Kirchentellinsfurt (01 2004)

Franz, M.O. and B. Schölkopf: Implicit Wiener series for capturing higher-order interactions in images. Sensory coding and the natural environment. (Eds.) Olshausen, B.A. and M. Lewicki (2004)

Sinz, F. and M.O. Franz: Learning Depth. Proc. 7th Tübingen Perception Conference (TWK 2004), 69. (Eds.) H.H.Bülthoff, H.A.Mallot, R.Ulrich,F.A.Wichmann, Knirsch, Kirchentellisnfurt (2004)

Bakir, G.H., Ilg, W., M.O. Franz and Giese, M.: Constraints measures and reproduction of style in robot imitation learning. 6. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz TWK 2003, Proc. 70. (Eds.) H.H. Bülthoff, K.R. Gegenfurtner, H.A. Mallot, R. Ulrich, F.A. Wichmann, Knirsch, Kirchentellinsfurt (2003)

Franz, M.O.: Robots with Cognition? 6. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz TWK 2003, Proc. 38. (Eds.) H.H. Bülthoff, K.R. Gegenfurtner, H.A. Mallot, R. Ulrich, F.A. Wichmann, Knirsch, Kirchentellinsfurt (2003)

Ilg, W., G.H. Bakir, M.O. Franz and M. Giese: A Representation of Complex Movement Sequences based on Hierarchical Spatio-temporal Correspondence for Imitation Learning in Robotics. 6. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz TWK 2003, Proc. 74. (Eds.) H.H. Bülthoff, K.R. Gegenfurtner, H.A. Mallot, R. Ulrich, F.A. Wichmann, Knirsch, Kirchentellinsfurt (2003)

Franz, M.O.: Optimal linear estimation of self-motion - a real-world test of a model of fly tangential neurons. SAB 02 Workshop, Robotics as theoretical biology. (Eds.) Prescott, T.; Webb, B. (2002)

Staedtgen, M., Hahn, S., M.O. Franz and Spitzer, M.: Subliminale Darbietung verkehrsrelevanter Information in Kraftfahrzeugen. 3. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz TWK 2000, Proc. 98. (Eds.) H.H. Bülthoff, K.R. Gegenfurtner, H.A. Mallot, Knirsch, Kirchentellinsfurt (2000)

Franz, M.O., R. Hengstenberg and H.G. Krapp: VS-neurons as matched filters for self-motion-induced optic flow fields. Göttingen Neurobiology Report 1998. Proceedings of the 26th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference 1998, Vol. II, (Eds.) N.Elsner, R. Wehner. Thieme, Stuttgart 1998, 419 (1998)

Franz, M.O., B. Schölkopf, H.A. Mallot and H.H. Bülthoff: Aktives Erwerben eines Ansichtsgraphen zur diskreten Repräsentation offener Umwelten. Fortschritte der Künstlichen Intelligenz, 138-147. (Eds.) M. Thielscher and S.-E. Bornscheuer, Univ. Press, Dresden (1996)

PhD Thesis

Franz, M.O.: Minimalistic visual navigation. Tübingen 1998. Fortschrittsberichte des VDI Reihe 8 Nr. 739, VDI Verlag GmbH, Heinrichstr. 24, 40239 Düsseldorf (1998)